By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection Professional Risk Manager and Analyst Freelance Journalist and Author July 30, 2022 © All-rights Reserved NEW LOUISIANA LAW ALLOWS 300,000 MILITARY PERSONNEL AND VETERANS TO CARRY CONCEALED GUNS WITHOUT PERMIT, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2022 In an article, by Greg Hilburn; Lafayette Daily Advertiser, on July 28, 2022, the agency is reporting: As many as 300,000 military veterans and active-duty troops in Louisiana will be eligible to carry concealed handguns without permits or training beginning Aug. 1. The new concealed carry exception was largely overlooked during the Louisiana Legislature's Regular Session with the focus on a bill by Oil City Republican Danny McCormick that would have removed permitting requirements for all adults 21 and older. McCormick's comprehensive bill failed in the Senate without a final hearing because of a heightened sensitivity to gun rights expansions immediately after the Uvalde, Texas school massacre and a veto threat from Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards. But Senate Bill 143 (Act 680) with the concealed carry military exception by Republican Monroe Sen. Jay Morris sailed through both the House and Senate and secured Edwards' signature. “I believe in constitutional carry for all adults, but my bill was vetoed (in 2021), so I came up with a scaled-back version that I thought the governor might sign," said Morris, whose 2021 bill that mirrored McCormick's won final passage in the Legislature but was rejected by Edwards.” https://www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/2022/07/28/louisiana-enacting-concealed-carry-expansion-300-000-vets-troops/10168869002/ GOVERNOR EDWARDS SIGNS SB 143, ACT 680, BY SEN. MORRIS INTO LAW ALLOWING PERMITLESS CARRY OF CONCEALED WEAPONS FOR VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY RESIDENTS BATON ROUGE, LA – Governor Edwards has officially signed Senate Bill 143 (Act 680) of the 2022 Legislative Session into law. The Bill, authored by Senator Jay Morris, R-West Monroe, and co authored by Senator Stewart Cathey, R-Sterlington, allows honorably discharged veterans to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. This version of permitless carry allows any Louisiana resident who meets the eligibility requirements to possess a concealed handgun permit, and who is a reserve or active-duty member of any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, Louisiana National Guard or Louisiana Air National Guard, to be totally exempt from the requirement of carrying a concealed handgun permit. The law goes on to cover former members of any branch of the armed forces or national guard who has been honorably discharged from service. https://www.lobservateur.com/2022/07/06/governor-edwards-signs-sb-143-by-sen-morris-into-law-allowing-permitless-carry-of-concealed-weapons-for-veterans/ With the signing of this bill, it’s a great day for Louisiana Veterans, Active Duty personnel, and the United States Constitutions 2nd Amendment. “UNTIL NEXT TIME, KEEP EM BETWEEN THE BRIDLE!”
By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection ProfessionaL Risk Management Freelance Writer & Author © All Rights Reserved July 21, 2022 RISK ANALYSIS In parts 1 – 3, I covered a myriad hypothetical reasons why Mass Shootings occur. Tragically, thus-far, the only government response to preventing mass shootings has been to impose more unnecessary gun control on law abiding citizens. More specifically: More background checks, magazine capacity limits, and a repetitive call to ban the AR15 semi-auto sporting rifle even though the Supreme Court has ruled: USA citizens has a constitutional right to arm themselves for self-defense. Notwithstanding, the evidence which clearly points to the primary issues causing mass shootings have largely, by and far, been ignored by government officials in Washington D.C. They have instead opted to focus on the firearm of choice of mass shooters as the cure. As previously reported, illegal and pharmaceutical drugs as well as social and mental health issues are where the search for the “Root Cause Analysis Conclusion” should primarily be focused on and investigated, instead of the type of firearm used. After all, the firearm used is just a by product of the the shooters mind set and the end result of the crime itself. Nothing more, nothing less. So how is more expanded background checks and gun control laws going to stop the mass shooter when firearms are readily accessible on the black market? It’s not! Also, how are expanded background checks going to prevent mass shootings, when juvenile criminal records and mental health treatment records are excluded? There not! In factual reality, the government is just using a tragedy to further their gun control agenda; red flag laws included, and using the bodies of dead victims as the vehicle of opportunity to achieve their goal – eliminating guns from society in the USA all together. Notwithstanding, their zeal and quest for total gun control, in the U.S., is a violation of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Recent and former Supreme Court decisions pertaining to guns proves that. Furthermore, applying the ostrich syndrome, or ignoring the “Root Cause Analysis Conclusion” of the problem or pretending that other relevant factors don’t exist only exacerbates the problem. Summarily, these illogical approaches to ending mass shootings only leads to more mass shootings and more body counts. The amazing concept, pertaining to mass school shootings, exists in the fact: Law enforcement, from past interactions, always knows the shooter, prior to the event. Another fact is: Mass shooters broad cast their intent ahead of the crime on social media, e.g., social media outlets can identify conservative view points, on their social media platforms, but they can’t identify an individual who may be about to commit a mass shooting even though it’s broad cast on their platform before hand. The same applies to terrorist organizations using social media outlets to preach their cult ideologies. Generally, mass shooters follow the same stereotype, a stereotype derived from comparing mass shooters after the event or a criminal profile, so-to-speak. Generally, mass shooters are from broken homes and troubled backgrounds. They have mental health issues as well as issues at home, at school, and with law enforcement. Case-in-point, the mass shooter, after the Uvalde, Texas shooter, threatened to kill his entire family which required law enforcement to become involved and lead to the seizure of the individuals knife collection. Afterwards, the father sponsored the same individual, who’s obviously mentally unstable, to acquire a firearms permit in the state of residency. Thereafter, the individual legally purchased firearms and committed a mass shooting at a 4th of July parade in his home town. ON-SITE SECURITY SURVEYS OF SCHOOLS Since all of the governments gun control options have failed to prevent mass shootings, perhaps they should do what should’ve been done from the onset and that is: To bring in Risk Management Specialists and setup security protocols and equipment to harden the security at schools and other venues of interest to mass shooters. Example for schools and universities: 1) Install closed circuit TV security cameras in all U.S. schools to include, but not limited to, interior (hallways), exterior areas of schools, i.e., on each perimeter corner, as well as above all entrance doors. The CCTV cameras should be wired to a monitor and recording device that records all activity for at least a month or longer. 2) Install locks on all school doors, including classroom doors so that they only open from the inside, except by key card access from the outside. All doors remain locked at all times. Outside and inside entry should be acquired, only by key card access to school personnel. All others should have to show identification and be allowed entry only after the proper identification and their purpose for accessing the school is acquired and documented. 3) Establish one entrance area, for school access and departure, except in an emergency situation. 4) Establish a red button alarm system; similar to one used by banks whereby the push of the button alerts local law enforcement of a school shooter trying to gain access or has gained access to the school. 5) Eliminate all hoodies and backpacks from the school grounds. 6) Place armed monitors at all schools, in case of an active shooter event. 7) Establish a metal detector at the one entrance access point. 8) Perimeter fencing around the school should be an option. Which ever options a school chooses to apply, should be decided upon by the school board and the parents whose child or children attend school at a particular facility. The primary goal of safety and security protocols are to prevent mass school shootings by depriving the shooter access to the school and the primary targets inside – the children themselves. Remember, when a mass school shooting event happens; it means that theres a catastrophic failure of the schools safety and security protocols which are designed to ensure the safety of security of every person inside that school. Final note, if a mass school shooter can’t access a school he can’t harm anyone. SCHOOL SECURITY FUNDING The primary responsibility of the Federal Government is to uphold the laws of the United States, the constitution, and protect its citizens, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The federal bureaucracy in Washington D.C wastes more money each on frivolous agendas, it could easily harden the security at all U.S. schools to prevent mass shootings and keep all school children, teachers, and support groups safe with ease. Case-in-point: Joe Biden’s administration secured 2 trillion dollars for Covid 19 relief. According to NEWS reports, of the two trillion appropriated dollars, only 10 % of the funds were used for Covid 19. The remaining funds went to pork-barrel-projects such as: Planting $500 Million dollars worth of trees in New York State as well as promoting CRT, LBGTQ and Sex Transition curriculums et.al. Another case-in-point is identified when Biden left over $80 Billion dollars of high tech arms and ammunition to the Taliban, upon the USA’s exit from Afghanistan. Alone, these funds could’ve been used to harden the safety and security at schools. As previously stated, our governments incompetence and grossly wasteful spending could’ve hardened the security of every school in the USA. However, until this day happens it’s safe to say mass school shootings are going to continue. Right now, mass schooling’s are being reported in countries with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the world therefore gun control obviously isn’t the solution. “Until Next Time, Keep Em Between The Bridle!” ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIME SURGES
By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection Professional Freelance Writer and Author July 13, 2022 Copyright – All Rights Reserved CRIMES BY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SURGED IN 2021 DEMOCRATS TURN A BLIND EYE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Washington D.C. Politicians take an “Oath-of-Office,” while their swearing on the Bible, to uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States. Except, if you’re a Democrat politician – that is. Apparently, enforcing existing laws, upholding the rule of law, and adhering to their sworn “Oath-Of-Office” doesn’t apply to Democrats or their agendas! They sort of beat to their own drum, so-to-speak. However, this misguided conceptual attitude becomes dangerous and problematic for the USA as well as its citizens, in a myriad ways. More specifically: The number one job of the Federal Government is to protect and defend the United States of America and it’s citizens, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Case-in-point: If you live in the United States or on planet earth, for that matter, you’re fully aware of the Democrat induced annual illegal border crossing surge into the USA, from individuals around the world. The usual Democrat dog-and-pony-show to justify this illegal process is: “Humanitarian Efforts.” However, in reality and in my opinion, Democrats are throwing tremendous amounts of tax payer dollars into funding this group in an effort to buy and establish a new voting base for the Democratic Party. This illegal activity occurs, while Democrats are totally disregarding the harmful consequences it has on the USA, the American citizens, the border communities, and the national out-of-control debt and inflation, this spending spree feeds in the process. Essentially, Democrats are more interested in protecting illegals than the country and American citizens. Furthermore, this type of dangerous mentality, is a detachment from reality and a false belief these individuals are illegally crossing the USA borders as asylum seekers to escape oppression and tyranny, in their country of origin. In reality, these individuals are coming to the USA because of the historical generous welfare handouts the Democrats are giving them in hopes of buying future votes. It’s hard to say your oppressed and seeking asylum from tyranny and oppression when every news broad cast depicts individuals crossing the border illegally with new clothes, some over weight, and carrying the latest cell phones. Furthermore, it would also be a detachment from reality to believe these individuals walked the entire way to arrive at the USA border crossings, their filmed at. Some news outlets are masters at creating sympathy in support of the Democrat’s agenda, when no sympathy is warranted. Furthermore, this convoluted and perhaps illegal process began with the Obama administration and continues with the Biden administration. Millions of unfettered, undocumented individuals, from around the world, are allowed to enter the USA, illegally. This dangerous side-step, of the USA’s legal immigration process, also known as, “Catch and Release” began with the Obama administration and continues with the Biden Administration. Data indicates, unfettered and more often than not: Undocumented Democrat induced individuals are illegally crossing the borders, of the USA, in record numbers. By not upholding the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and their oath-of-office, this is a gross violation of their civic duty as an elected official representing the citizens of the USA. This annual surge not only brings men, women, and children, from around the world, it also brings a host of disease, gang members, criminal activity, drugs, and social issues with it. According to news reports, Border towns are being invaded with illegals. After gaining access, under the Biden administration, illegals are jettisoned around the country at a massive cost to U.S. tax payers. The adverse effects of this massive spending include, but is not limited to, adding rising debt, contributing to rising inflation, straining social services and educational resources in communities as well as contributing to crime statistics. In some states, such as Florida, the governor is busing the illegals dropped off in his state by the Biden administration to the door steps of the White House. CRIMES BY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS SURGED IN 2021 AFTER DECLINING IN PREVIOUS YEARS FOX NEWS reported, the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in the United States surged in fiscal year 2021 after declining in the years before that. Homicides, assaults, incidents of domestic violence, illegal weapons possession, and sexual offenses committed by illegal aliens all increased dramatically in fiscal year 2021 compared to fiscal year 2020, data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows. Illegal immigrants committed 1,178 assault and domestic violence crimes in 2021, which represents a more than 400% increase from the 208 in 2020. Sixty homicide or manslaughter convictions were attributed to illegal immigrants in 2021, a 1,900% increase from the previous year. Driving under the influence convictions rose 347% from 364 to 1,629, and illegal possession of or trafficking of drugs rose 453% from 386 to 2,138. The number of convictions in every crime category, with the exception of homicides, which rose from two to three from 2019 to 2020, had decreased between 2019 and 2020. U.S. Customs and Border Protection says that officials apprehended 10,763 "criminal noncitizens" in fiscal year 2021, which marks an increase of over 300% from previous years. Data shows that Border Patrol agents arrested 2,438 criminal noncitizens in 2020, 4,269 in 2019 and 6,698 in 2018. "The term ‘criminal noncitizens’ refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol," the U.S. government website says So far in the 2022 fiscal year, which lasts until September 30, 2022, a total of 7,253 criminal noncitizens have been arrested. SECRETARY MAYORKAS HAS FAILED TO DEFEND OUR HOMELAND AND MUST BE IMPEACHED, SAYS FOX NEWS Last week, Border Patrol agents announced that they apprehended two sex offenders and nine MS-13 gang members at the southern border as illegal immigration into the United States continues to skyrocket. CHIP ROY UNLEASHES ON BIDEN ADMIN'S BORDER POLICIES: 'WE'RE DEALING WITH AN INVASION, TEXANS ARE DYING' Additionally, two illegal immigrants were charged this week after allegedly plotting a mass shooting at a Fourth of July event in Richmond, Virginia. To read the entire article, click here: https://www.foxnews.com/us/crimes-committed-illegal-immigrants-surged-2021-declining-previous-years “Until Next Time, Keep Em Between The Bridle!” MASS SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, PART 3
By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection ProfessionaL Risk Manager and Analyst Freelance Journalist and Author July 8, 2022 Copyright - All Rights Reserved ILLEGAL DRUG USE AND PRESCRIPTION ABUSE IN THE USA In my continuing effort to establish a “Root Cause” of mass shootings; including mass school shootings in the USA, one must include illegal drug use as well as prescription drug abuse in the Risk Analysis. Historically, after a mass shooting, law enforcement never releases the results of the toxicology drug report, of the shooter, identifying whether or not drug use is a contributing factor. Consequently, the general public is only allowed to focus on one political aspect; the weapon used, e.g., the AR-15 rifle, semi-auto pistol, or another weapon type. This liberal political propaganda is mimicked by, liberal news outlets, nation wide. Fact: As previously stated, the weapon of choice is not the cause, but an end result of the shooters psychosis and the instrument to carry out a mass shooting. Therefore, the weapon used is NOT the root cause of the shooters actions, but the tool to commit the crime. Much like a crow bar is used to open a door of a window to commit the burglary of a dwelling. Recently, a July 4, 2022 Tweet from Congresswoman; Marjorie Taylor Green delineates an opposing view to those provided by liberal politicians who focus on the firearm as a means to enact more gun control on law abiding citizens in the USA, e.g.,: “Is everyone ready to have the conversation now? Because this is what people actually talk about. Not the BS guns are violent and guns made them commit mass shooting narrative.” Congresswoman Green cites Mr. Jack Posobiec: “37 School Shooters/School Related Violence Committed By Those Under The Influence Of Psychiatric Drugs. Cchrint.org/school-shooter. Clearly, this revelation gives rise to psychiatric drugs as being a contributing factor or leading cause as to why an individual commits a mass shooting incident. Scientific studies have proven, the use of illegal drug types as well as the abuse of certain prescription drug classes alters the rational and mindset of an individual while their under the influence of a specific drug. Furthermore, it’s a proven fact: Illegal drug use is a leading cause of the rise in violent crimes in the USA. Notwithstanding, over-the-years and in the USA, illegal drug use as well as the abuse of prescription drugs has reached a crisis level. Drug overdose deaths, contributed to both legally prescribed drugs as well as illegal drug use directly contribute to a gloomy death rate statistic of members of our general populous, especially among the younger generation. Prescription drug abuse as well as Fentanyl, opioid, cocaine, and meth addiction are the largest contributing factors to drug overdose deaths in the USA. USA’s WAR ON DRUGS The War on Drugs is rapidly becoming a dismal failure among Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement; instead of a hoped for success story. Annually, the USA spends billions of dollars on the war on drugs and it appears their losing the battle. There’s and number of reasons for this analogy: Inherently, our judicial system is to slow and to long-term and inundated with appeal processes to incarcerate offenders in the penal system, especially the larger illegal drug dealers. The D.C. Democratic Politicians open border policies provides the drug smugglers with a perfect opportunity to flood the USA market with illegal drugs. Notwithstanding, open border policies not only bring dangerous illegal drugs into the USA, especially fentanyl, opioids, cocaine, phencyclidine hydrochloride, and meth it also affords smugglers the opportunity to bring marijuana, illegal aliens, human trafficking, crime, terrorists, and violent gang members, as well. It’s long been known Democratic Politicians desire to bring illegal aliens into this country is for one reason, and one reason only: Democrats want a new voting base for the Democratic Party and their concern for the USA and its citizens is non existent. Lastly, this illegal activity also places a strain on the welfare system in the USA. FACTS ABOUT MARIJUANA USE In a FOX News report the author outlines a myriad dangers to Marijuana use. According to the article: “people who used cannabis visited emergency rooms or were hospitalized 22% more often than those who did not use cannabis, according to a recent study published in the BMJ Open Respiratory Research. To read the entire article, click on the following link: https://www.foxnews.com/health/cannabis-users-risk-emergency-inpatient-care In a Harvard study they found: Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term cannabis use. As of June 2022, 37 US states have passed medical cannabis laws and 19 states have legalized recreational cannabis. Cannabis has proven beneficial for a range of conditions such as childhood seizure disorders, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite in people with HIV/AIDs. In the meantime, a new generation of cannabis products has exploded onto the scene, driven by marketing that fuels a multibillion-dollar industry. The average content of THC (tetra-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive and potentially addictive chemical in cannabis) in smoked whole-plant products has risen from 1% to 4% in the 1970s to 15% to 30% from today’s cannabis dispensaries. Edibles and vapes may contain even higher concentrations of THC. New research on cannabis use and cognition in midlife Recent research published in The American Journal of Psychiatry closely followed nearly 1,000 individuals in New Zealand from age 3 to age 45 to understand the impact of cannabis use on brain function. The research team discovered that individuals who used cannabis long-term (for several years or more) and heavily (at least weekly, though a majority in their study used more than four times a week) exhibited impairments across several domains of cognition. Long-term cannabis users’ IQs declined by 5.5 points on average from childhood, and there were deficits in learning and processing speed compared to people that did not use cannabis. The more frequently an individual used cannabis, the greater the resulting cognitive impairment, suggesting a potential causative link. To read the article, click on the following link: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cognitive-effects-of-long-term-cannabis-use-in-midlife-202206142760 However, what the articles omit are the facts: Marijuana is fat soluble drug that’s stored in the fatty tissues of the brain. The more an individual uses the drug the more tetra hydra cannabinol (THC) is stored. Therefore, unlike other drugs requiring an increase dose to maintain the desired effect; marijuana requires a less daily dose of the drug. Due to its fat storing qualities, the user is essentially always under the influence of the drug with regular marijuana use. Thereby, damaging brain cells and altering the users thought processes, providing motor skill impairment as well as cognitive decline, hallucinations, and paranoia. Again, like the open-border crisis, whose at fault for allowing an expansion of drug use in the USA, for the sake of making tax revenue? Politicians! In retrospect, the last time the government became involved in trying to reduce Heroin addiction in the USA was when they opened free Methadone clinics to provide a free Heroin substitute. In the end, the government program created more addicts. Throughout history, a direct correlation has been established, between drug addiction and use, with violent crime in the USA. Consequently, illegal drug use and addiction remains a dark side of societal issues in this country. One relative fact: Illegal Drug use and the abuse of Legally Prescribed Prescription Drugs should be included in the “Root Cause Analysis” of mass shooters to determine whether or not a drug induced psychosis is the reason mass shootings happen. “Until Next Time, Keep Em Between The Bridle!” MASS SCHOOL SHOOTINGS, PART 2 - ROOT CAUSES
By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection Professional Risk Manager & Analyst Freelance Journalist and Author July 3, 2022 Copyright – All Rights Reserved ROOT CAUSES In my last article, “MASS SHOOTINGS,” I touched on a myriad causative factors directly contributing to the horrific mass school shootings phenomenon plaguing school systems in the USA. However, as a Risk Manager and Analyst it’s an arduous task to assign one causative factor as the Root Cause for this phenomenon. A more realistic approach is to state: There isn’t one causative factor resulting in the mass shooting phenomenon, but rather a myriad causative factors leading up to an end result, i.e., mass shootings. By example and more specifically, politicians singly assign one component to blame for the event - the AR-15 rifle. Moreover, Democratic politicians seize a mass shooting tragedy to promote more unnecessary gun control on law abiding citizens. As they say, “Democrats never let a good tragedy go to waste!” After all, its already been proven “Background Checks” don’t stop or prevent mass shooters in lieu of the fact some mass shooters legally purchase their firearms from a Federally Licensed firearms dealer and pass a background check prior to committing the heinous crime. Contrary to what politicians state, the firearm isn’t the single causative factor but rather a single component of a broader reality. More specifically, a firearm is a tool. Its only as good or bad as the one behind the trigger, nothing more. In order to understand the specifics of why mass shootings occur, one has to perform a “Root Cause Analysis” as well as a criminal profile of the shooter to better understand the psychosis as well as the mechanics behind the mind set triggering mass shootings. SOCIETAL ISSUES In retrospect, homicides and mass homicides aren’t new. They’ve been happening through time and memorial. After all, the first historical recorded homicide was the biblical story of Cain killing his brother Abel with a rock. For that matter, Cain didn’t use an AR-15, a semi-auto pistol, a truck being drive through a crowd of pedestrians, poison, or a knife to accomplish his egregious crime. According to the Bible, the root cause of the crime; Cain’s jealousy of Able was the stimulus. Similarly, today we live in a violent world. A world inundated without respect for another human being or a value of life. Some suggest a world without GOD. A politicians answer to the mass shootings is more gun control for law abiding citizens without gun control cries for the unlawful criminals using firearms to torment society and commit heinous crimes. After all, criminals don’t purchase firearms; they steal them or purchase them off the black market. Nonetheless, criminals have firearms. The political cry has become so disgusting, its usually broadcast before the deceased are buried, leaving grieving relatives asking “WHY” are the politicians using my deceased child like a pawn in the political game of gun control. Again, just one example of a lack of respect in our society. Again, the “Root Cause” isn’t identified, only substituted with more gun control. Notwithstanding, are more gun control laws the answer? No its not. Harsher punishment for the offender is a perfect place to begin. Society no longer fears incarceration or the judicial system. More and more, liberal District Attorneys are decriminalizing violent crimes. Liberal judges are handing more reduced/lenient sentences. Politicians like our Vice President Kamala Harris are openly fund raising to bail out rioters and persons committing civil unrest. As a matter of fact, developed countries around the world having the most stringent gun control laws in existence, still experience gun crime as well as single, multiple, and mass homicides with guns and other weapons – such as knives and automobiles. A relative fact: A human being is a light thin skinned animal, similar to a deer, and can be killed/dispatched relatively easily, e.g., by a hammer, a brick, or a baseball bat causing blunt force trauma. Strangulation is another cause of homicides. Moreover, the plain truth is: A person bent on committing a homicide will find a way to complete the task. In reality, in the USA, we have a disobedient, undisciplined, disrespectful, and an out-of-control population crisis. If you don’t believe that, research soaring crime statistics or just monitor news outlets and social media accounts. Social media bullying is at an all time high. Another contributing factor: To some, life isn’t as precious as it use to be. Case-in-point: Since the 1970’s, when abortion was first legalized, by a bad Supreme Court decision, statistics state there’s been over 60 million unborn children aborted by their mothers, just in the USA. A phenomenon within itself. Still another fact of aborted children reveals, the selling of body parts which has become big business around the world. DEMOCRATS CONTRIBUTION TO ENDING MARRIAGES – THE FATHERLESS CHILD “In The Sentinel Record article;” Welfare System Actually Discouraging Marriage the author describes a breakdown in society as a result of a Democratic President – Lyndon B Johnson providing welfare to unwed mothers and their child or children. In his Union Address on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson proposed legislation that would create a "War on Poverty" in response to a national poverty rate of around 19 percent. His speech led the United States Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act, which established the Office of Economic Opportunity to administer the application of federal funds targeted against poverty. Now to be sure, his intent was noble, but it has not turned out that way. He just wanted to take care of poor people, or so he said. Now, five decades later, we are reaping what he has sown. Prior to the 1960s, nearly all children were born to married couples. When the War on Poverty began in 1964, only 7 percent of children were born to unmarried women. Now, that figure is closer to 60 percent. Historically, marriage has played a critical role in the raising of children. In most cases, the economic benefits of marriage are substantial. Marriage among families with children is an extremely powerful factor in promoting economic self-sufficiency. The reason for this is simple. In most cases, two parents working together can support a child more efficiently than one. However, the benefits are far beyond self-sufficiency. When compared with children in a two-parent family, children raised by single parents are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems; be physically abused; smoke, drink, and use drugs; be aggressive; engage in violent, delinquent, and criminal behavior; have poor school performance; be expelled from school; and drop out of high school. Many of these negative outcomes are associated with higher poverty rates of single mothers. Compared with girls raised in similar married families, girls from single-parent homes are more than twice likely to have a child without being married. It is no accident that the collapse of marriage in America largely began with the War on Poverty and the proliferation of means-tested welfare programs that it fostered. When the War on Poverty began, only a single welfare program -- Aid to Families With Dependent Children -- assisted single parents. Today there are dozens of programs, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, the WIC food program, Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, child nutrition programs, public housing and Section 8 housing, and Medicaid. The end result: After pregnancy, the father is no longer needed. Essentially, the government has now taken the place of fathers in this country. As with other government program failures, once the Federal Government inserts itself into a program it usually never works correctly again. We see this today with our out-of-control borders fostering millions of illegal individuals gaining access to our country and rewarded with access to our welfare system. As with poverty in 1966 the governments answer to all problems is to throw more money at it. Out-of-control government spending is certainly driving the out-of-control inflation we’re experiencing today. CHILDREN GROWING UP WITHOUT FATHERS Today, the fatherless child created by Johnsons War on Poverty is further identified in a FOX News article, titled: “Americas Crisis Is A Lack of Fathers.” https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/america-crisis-fathers In the opinion piece, the author cites: As our country commemorates Father’s Day this weekend, it is important that we recognize the millions of children throughout our nation who are growing up without their fathers. Data from the United States Census Bureau shows that nearly 18.5 million children grow up without their fathers, which has in return led to the United States owning the title of the world’s leader in fatherlessness. We know that fatherhood is essential to the development of our children, and the increased involvement of fathers in the home leads to better results on a wide variety of outcomes. From economic prosperity, increased academic performance, to improved social mobility; fathers in their respective homes continue to be a key indicator of success for all children across racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups. A DETERIORATING LEGAL SYSTEM Never before in our history, has the USA witnessed such a disdain for law enforcement. Defund the Police is an illusionary Democratic strategy designed to destabilize society and garner votes. It’s lunacy and hypocritical for politicians to advocate defunding the police, while their surrounded by their armed security task force. A large part of our society actually openly exhibit a hatred for law enforcement. The murder rate of law enforcement officers is rapidly climbing, as are armed assaults. However, the Defund the Police movement; accompanied by civil unrest are the single causative factors in the escalating violent crime in our country. Still another fact: A reduced police presence and escalating violent crime has driven law abiding citizens to arm themselves to protect their loved ones and themselves. Guns and ammunition sales are at an all time high. The plain truth: Law Enforcement can no longer be relied on to protect you. The response time to assist the populous is becoming an ever increasing longer than usual proposition. Furthermore, the Defund The Police Movement is directly related to civil unrest resulting in riots, violent crimes, and the burning of cities and towns. Apparently, politicians don’t understand that in a civilized society, law enforcement is the barrier between social stability and total chaos! Additionally, the Defund The Police movement is directly related to a reduction in law enforcement agency personnel across-the-board, in this country. It would be hard to write an article about civil disobedience without this subject and omit the fact: Democratic politicians in Washington D.C. are openly advocating civil disobedience and unrest. Maxine Waters is a perfect example. Couple that with left wing extremists groups advocating for the same criteria and the end result is: Escalating violent crime. Senator Chuck Schumer openly attacked members of the Supreme Court and the result, was a planned attack and murder of a Supreme Court Justice. As a result of the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe V Wade; a bad legal decision from the start has resulted in unlawful demonstrators constantly harassing certain members of the court in order to influence their decisions, even though its illegal to try and influence a judges decision. The Democratic lead Department of Justice has openly declined to stop the harassment of Supreme Court Justices, even though it’s a Federal Crime to do so. Lastly, we’re witnessing the Democratic politicization and weaponizing of our Federal Law Enforcement communities such as: The Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Immigration, to name a few. The sad commentary to this is: The American People can no longer rely on these Federal Agencies to uphold the rule of law, without bias. History has shown us there’s definitely a two part system when it comes to enforcing the rule of law. The laws average Americans are forced to live by aren’t the same laws Washington D.C. politicians live by. The old adage: “What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander. In factual reality, D.C. politicians think there entitled and above the rule of law. Either way it’s interpreted, their unlawful actions count for civil unrest in this country! In conclusion, there’s more than just the AR-15 that’s contributing to mass school shootings in this country! “Until Next Time, Keep Em Between The Bridle!” |
Richard E. "Rick" DennisFreelance Writer and Author Archives
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