DEATH 7-2-14 By Glory Ann Kurtz COURT DISMISSES LAWSUIT, by JIM McCOLLEY, AGAINST BRUCE AND DENISE COLCLASURE, et al ADDENDUM AND UPDATE, BY: Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Freelance Writer and Author WIND RIVER INDUSTRY NEWS March 31, 2021 LAWSUIT FILED OVER DEATH OF HORSE AT TRAINER’S FACILITY On July 2, 2014 Glory Ann Kurtz; Editor, wrote and released an article on her website entitled: “LAWSUIT FILED OVER DEATH OF HORSE AT TRAINER’S FACILITY;” More specifically, “On July 18, 2011, a lawsuit was filed by Jim McColley (Plaintiff) against Bruce and Denise Colclasure and their Flying Bar Ranch Arena, Inc. (Defendants), in the District Court in and for Creek County, Oklahoma, Sapulpa Division. The petition reads: That on or about July 3, 2009, McColley contracted with the Colclasure’s to board, feed, and train his 2007 AQHA registered stallion, Hard Rock Acre, (nick-named) Rocky. However, on or about May 4, during training and with a rider on his back, Rocky collapsed and died. McColley is CLAIMING, the Colclasure’s failed to properly care for Rocky and negligently allowed the animal to ingest the “bovine feed supplement – Rumensin, which is known to be lethal to horses. He CLAIMS that the Colcalsure’s knowingly and intentionally bought the MGA with Rumensin for the purpose of feeding the supplement to Rocky and other horses housed at the Flying C Bar Ranch.” JIM McCOLLEY’S LAWSUIT PETITION CONTAINS SPECIFIC ALLEGATIONS OF (DEFENDANT’S) WRONGDOING, HOWEVER THE COURT DISMISSED (PLAINTIFF’S) LAWSUIT WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Furthermore, and according to Denise Colclasure: The (Defendants) unequivocally have always denied any wrongdoing in this matter and also state: “Even though this lawsuit was dismissed without prejudice the damage to our training facilities reputation was already done and our business reputation is constantly being questioned due to the article written by Glory Ann Kurtz; without adding an addendum stipulating, the courts dismissal of the lawsuit.” Additionally, and according to Denise Colclasure, “this case has negatively impacted us and our training facility, this many years later.” For the record, In both civil and criminal matters, allegation are just one or more persons accounting of a specific incident as well as those involved, and each actors participation. Furthermore, an allegation of impropriety or wrongdoing is just that – an allegation, until evidentiary proceedings prove the allegation to be factual in order for the (Defendant) to be guilty of the allegations contained in the lawsuit’s petition. Notwithstanding, in this case, McColley’s lawsuit was dismissed, by the court, without prejudice. Therefore, no incidents of wrongdoing, on (Defendants) behalf was ever proven, in court, by the (Plaintiff). GLORY ANN KURTZ AND ALLABOUTCUTTING.COM - CLOSED Unfortunately for the Colclasure’s, Glory Ann Kurtz was unable to provide an addendum article stating McColley’s lawsuit was dismissed against the Colclasure’s. Another unfortunate fact for the Colclasure’s is: Glory Ann Kurtz developed a medical condition which caused to be prematurely and permanently closed forever, therefore preventing any further updates to this article or any other previously written article, for that matter. Lastly, this premature closure also prevents the first article from ever being retracted or removed from the internet, by the author. However, the following links to Mrs. Kurtz’s original article is attached hereto which includes the original lawsuit filing, the dismissal, and the verification of the same. The links are located in a contributors comments, at the bottom of the original article. “UNTIL NEXT TIME, KEEP EM BETWEEN THE BRIDLE”
Richard E. "Rick" DennisFreelance Writer and Author Archives
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