By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection Professional Risk Manager and Analyst Freelance Journalist and Author Veteran U.S. Army – Vietnam War Veteran Drug Enforcement Agent Veteran Law Enforcement Professional Private Security Professional June 30, 2022 Copyright-All Rights Reserved MASS SCHOOL SHOOTING’S WEAPON OF CHOICE - AR15 Without a doubt, the weapon of choice in tragic mass school shootings is the AR-15. What is the AR-15, you might ask? The AR-15-style rifle, is any lightweight semi-automatic rifle designed by the Armalite Corporation. The (AR) prefix stands for: Armalite Rifle, not “Assault Rifle” as irresponsible media pundits and politicians falsely claim. The original ArmaLite AR-15 is a scaled-down derivative of Eugene Stoner's ArmaLite AR-10 design. The then Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation division ArmaLite sold the patent and trademarks to Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1959. Colt Manufacturing developed the U.S. Military M-16 select fire assault rifle off of the original AR-15 design. The M-16 is the standard military issued assault rifle in use today. After most of Colt's patents for the Colt AR-15 expired in 1977, many firearm manufacturers began to produce copies of the Colt AR-15 under various names. While the patents expired, Colt retained the trademark of the AR-15 and is the sole manufacturer able to label their firearms as AR-15. On the other hand, the M16 rifle, produced by Colt Manufacturing, is a family of military rifles designed from the ArmaLite AR-15 rifle for the United States military. The original M16 rifle was a 5.56×45mm automatic rifle with a 20-round magazine. The rifles specifications are as follows: Caliber: 5.56 mm (.223 in) Bayonet: M7 bayonet Length: 38.81 in (986 mm) (M16A1); 39.61 in (1,006 mm) (M16A2); 39.37 in (1,000 mm) (M16A4) Sights: Iron sights: Rear: aperture; L-type flip; Front: wing-protected post; Various aiming optics Muzzle velocity: 3,150 ft/s (960 m/s) (M855A1 round) In service: 1964–present Cartridge: 5.56×45 mm NATO (M193) The primary differences between the AR-15 and the M-16 are: The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, meaning: It will fire one cartridge with each pull of the trigger and doesn’t have a select fire switch or a bayonet attachment. The M-16 is a select fire capable U.S. Military assault rifle, meaning: The operator can fire the rifle in three different modes, via, a manually operated select fire switch, e.g.,: The select fire switch allows the operator to switch from a semi-auto rate of fire, to a full auto rate of fire, to a select burst rate of fire by simply flipping the select fire switch and pulling the trigger. Traditionally, irresponsible politicians and the news media, alike, have horribly misbranded the AR-15 as a “weapon of war,” which it’s not. One major fact pertaining to the AR-15 is: “It’s known as Americas Rifle and its the most popular centerfire rifle design purchased and in use today, by US citizens.” In the USA, the reason the AR-15 is so popular is due to its light weight, mild recoil, inherent accuracy, rapid single rate of fire and its high capacity magazine capability as well as its used for self-defense, hunting and shooting competition. Furthermore, virtually, anyone can fire the AR-15 without fear of the painful recoil associated with other centerfire rifle cartridges which makes it an excellent target, shooting competition rifle, and to teach youngsters the shooting sports. In reality, irresponsible politicians and the news media don’t have a clue about the rifle nor do they have the knowledge to speak in a intelligent sense about the rifle - except to lie and say it’s a weapon of war and should be banned! However, the problem standing in the way of politicians is: The 2nd Amendment to the United States constitution, guaranteeing United States Citizens the “Right To Keep and Bare Arms.” The problem with mass shootings are: As tragic as they are, it’s not the weapon used that’s at fault, but the individual using the weapon that’s to blame. Additionally, blaming the AR-15 as the culprit is like blaming automobiles for highway deaths, instead of the drivers. As tragic as mass shootings are, the gun isn’t the “Root Cause” problem – illegal drug use, parenting issues, the news media, social media outlets, criminals, politicians calling for violence, societal issues and the courts system are just a few of the contributing factors to blame. In my next article, I’ll cover conducting security surveys, from a Risk Management point of view as well as Risk Analysis to harden schools against gun violence and protecting children from and against mass shootings. No child should have to live in fear of attending school, nor should any child be massacred while at school! “Until Next Time, Keep Em Between The Bridle!”
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