By Richard E. “Rick” Dennis CPP Certified Protection Professional Freelance Journalist and Author Veteran – US Army; Vietnam War Veteran – Drug Enforcement Agent Veteran – Law Enforcement Professional June 21, 2022 Copyright – All Rights Reserved CONCEALED CARRY (CCW) Concealed carry, or carrying a concealed weapon (CCW), is the practice of carrying a weapon (usually a sidearm such as a handgun), either in proximity to or on one's person or in public places in a manner that hides or conceals the weapon's presence from the surrounding observers. The opposite of concealed carry is called open carry. SELECTING A HOLSTER FOR CONCEALED CARRY (CCW) An inside the waistband (IWB) concealment holster, which clips or mounts to a belt and allows the user to securely holster the weapon inside the pants. Some IWB holsters give the wearer the option of tucking a shirt over the firearm and holster. A belt holster (BH) is one which fastens to the belt, by belt loops, or has a clip that secures the weapon to the belt outside the pants, allowing the weapon to be concealed with a shirt or jacket. The shoulder holster (SH) is one with straps that fits over one arm, travels to the other side of the body, behind the neck and loops around the the opposite shoulder, leaving the holster tucked neatly in the armpit. A shoulder holster allows the firearm to be carried in a downward position or tucked neatly under the armpit. Either shoulder holster type allows a fast draw. Perhaps one of the most used is the ankle holster (AH), allowing the firearms concealment inside a holster with a band that wraps around the ankle to hold it in place. Today, belly band (BB) holsters are a popular choice, allowing the weapon to be completely encased inside the belly band wrap and totally concealing the weapon from view. Women also have a myriad holster styles to choose from including, all named herein, as well as the purse holster (PH). The purse holster has a specific place inside the purse to hold the firearm, limiting access to the trigger by other objects inside the purse which could cause a negligent discharge. While most law enforcement officers carry their handguns in a visible holster, some officers such as plainclothes detectives or undercover agents carry weapons in concealed holsters. In some countries and jurisdictions, civilians are legally required to obtain a concealed carry permit in order to possess and carry a firearm. In others, a CCW permit is only required if the firearm, or any part thereof, isn’t visible to the eye, such as carrying said weapon in one's purse, bag, trunk, etc. Some states has enacted “Constitutional Carry” whereby a legal citizen can conceal carry a firearm absent of a CCW license (permit). Which ever holster type you choose, the first rule of thumb is to make sure the holster properly fits the intended firearm, and allows the user to carry his or her firearm safely and securely. SELECTING A FIREAM FOR CONCEALED CARRY Today, the armed citizen has a myriad firearm types to choose from for concealed carry purposes, e.g.,: Cylinder types – Revolvers, Self-loading magazine type – Semi-autos, and break open types – Derringers. Revolvers - A revolver (also called a six shooter or a wheel gun), is a repeating handgun that has at least one barrel and uses a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers (each holding a single cartridge) for firing. Before firing a round, cocking the hammer, via, the trigger (double action revolvers) or by hand (single action revolvers) partially rotates the cylinder, indexing one of the cylinder chambers into alignment with the barrel, allowing the bullet to be fired through the bore. More specifically: The hammer cocking can be achieved by either the user manually pulling the hammer back (as in single-action), via internal linkage relaying a rearward movement of the trigger (as in double-action), or both (as in double/single-action). By sequentially rotating through each chamber, the revolver allows the user to fire multiple times until having to reload the gun, unlike older single-shot firearms that had to be reloaded after each shot. The amount of rounds in a revolver is dependent on the caliber. Semi-auto - A semiautomatic weapon fires one shot every time the trigger is pulled, with the rounds being fed into the chamber, via, a magazine. The difference between semi-auto and full auto is: An automatic weapon fires continually until the trigger is released. Derringers - A derringer is a small handgun, of the breach or break open type, that is neither a revolver nor a semi/fully automatic pistol. It is not to be confused with mini-revolvers or pocket pistols, although some later derringers were manufactured with the pepperbox configuration. SELECTING A FIREAM FOR EVERYDAY CARRY (EDC) The number one question I’m asked is: “Which firearm should I choose for self-defense and concealed carry every day?” My answer is always the same. Choose a firearm your comfortable with, fits your hand, doesn’t weigh too much, and is easily concealed. Choose a caliber that your able to handle and one your not afraid of the recoil. If a 22 caliber firearm is all you can handle, “it’s better to be armed with a 22 rather than not be armed at all!” An everyday carry weapon should be one your comfortable packing around all day. Why carry a heavy full size 1911 when you can carry a two inch light weight revolver chambered in 22, 38, or 9mm as well as a semi-auto chambered in 22, 32, 380, 9mm, 40, or 45? Ask any law enforcement officer whose carried a full size handgun on their hip all day and they will all tell you the same thing. At the end of a shift, that 34 ounce hand gun feels like a 34 pound handgun. CONCEALED CARRY WEAPONS MANUFACTURERS As I’ve stated in previous articles, today we have a mind boggling amount of firearms types to choose from. Our cup literally runneth over! Firearms manufacturers such as: Smith and Wesson, Colt, Ruger, Kimber, Heckler and Koch, Sig Sauger, Walther, Taurus, Canik, Mossberg, Remington, Beretta, CZ, and Glock all make suitable and reliable concealed carry weapons. Some manufacture both reliable: Revolvers and Semi-automatics. On the other hand, Derringers are manufactured by companies such as the American Derringer Corporation. CONCEALED CARRY WEAPON LAWS Each state has it’s own laws pertaining to firearms possession and ownership. Equally, each state has it’s own laws pertaining to concealed carry, open carry, vehicle carry, or residence bearing and storage. In order to stay compliant, the best resource is to peruse the internet for a specific states gun laws and ascertain the answers to your questions there. FIREARMS SAFETY At all times, it’s prudent to practice firearms safety - while carrying, practicing, or storing firearms at home. Firearms should be stored at home where it or they are easily obtained when necessary, while at the same time having no access to young prying minds. In todays violent crime era we live in, a firearm is a necessity age. Enjoy your 2nd Amendment right to protect your family and yourself, from violent criminals! “UNTIL NEXT TIME, KEEP EM BETWEEN THE BRIDLE!”
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